How’d you meet Tyson and how long have you known him for?
I'm not exactly sure when I met Tyson. But I know it was at a damn am somewhere when we were probably 14.
What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen him do on or off a skateboard?
Probably watching him feeble bigflip that out rail in SF 2 years ago on that other Thunder trip. That was insane!
You guys have known each other a long time, what’s it like growing up skating so many contests with Tyson?
It's tight because when you go to a contest I'll always have someone to skate and kick it with.
Your parents are still friends you guys ever go on vacation together?
Oh yeah, we went on a vacation to Tyson's house in Utah with my family and Kyle’s family in the winter to snowboard when we were 15 and 16. That shit was so fun because I never really snowboarded like that before.
Craziest story about your families hanging out together?
Oh man there's so many. Probably the first time all of us and our families got drunk together. That was pretty crazy!

What’s it like rooming with Tyson on trips?
Oh it's chill, cause I've know him forever.
Favorite nick name for Tyson past or present?
Haha, I've heard a couple people call him 540 which is pretty good.
When we were in Salt Lake City was he a good tour guide?
Not the worst tour guide but he had nooooo spots.
What’s something you think everyone should know about Tyson?
He loves to share about 10 videos a day on Facebook of just the most random weird shit.
Best memory from this trip?
The best memory has gotta be when we didn't tell Corey we signed him up for the Zumiez contest until his jam was up and he ended up winning the contest.
Worst memory from this trip?
Probably rolling my ankle about a week before the trip, so the first like 5 days I couldn't skate.
Any thank yous?
Thanks to everyone on the trip for putting up with me when I couldn't even skate most of the trip.

How'd you meet Jack and how long have you known him for?
I've known Jack since we were probably 13 or 14. We met through skating contests together and our mom's plus Kyle Walker's mom all became good friends. Whenever there was a contest, we'd all stay at the same hotel. Our parents would hangout together and then we'd all hangout together.

What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen him do on or off a skateboard?
In person, seeing Jack win Tampa Am was pretty sick. It's pretty cool to see one of your good homies win a contest like that. But not in person, I'd have to say switch feeble on Hollywood 16 is the craziest thing I've seen him do. That doesn't even make sense to me.
You guys have known each other a long time, what’s it like growing up skating so many contests with Jack?
It was sick to grow up skating contests with Jack. It's pretty cool that we're from such different parts of the country, but met through contests and whatnot, and just stayed homies for a long time.
Your parents are still friends you guys ever go on vacation together?
Yeah Jack, Kyle, Jack's brother Nick, and their mom’s came two years in a row to stay at my house in Salt Lake. We did a ski trip type of thing. It was actually super tight. We should do that again sometime soon boys!
Craziest story about your families hanging out together?
Actually on one of the ski trips, we were all riding at the resort in Park City. There's this bar called the Pig Pen Saloon. We were all younger so we were just snowboarding all day and our parents were kicking it in the bar. By the time we were done at the end of the day, all of our parents were hammered and it was just super funny. They all got matching shirts that say "Pig Pen" on them. Jack’s brother ended up having to drive my mom’s car back to my house with all the moms in there, and then I drove my car back with Jack, Kyle, and my dad. My dad was all sauced up singing Snoop Dogg the whole way back.
What's it like rooming with Jack on trips?
It's super mellow. We're good friends so it's not weird and I know to not expect anything weird, haha.
Favorite nick name for Jack past or present?
Rusty Nail
When you’ve been to Minneapolis did he ever show you around? Was he a good tour guide?
Yeah Jack was a pretty good tour guide in Minneapolis. He knew spots, and food places. He knew of a place that had an egg and peanut butter burger which was insane.
What's something you think everyone should know about Jack?
Jack is the man! Real ass dude that rips at skating!
Best memory from this trip?
We got some pretty good Soccer ball hacks going on this trip. The last night in Salt Lake, everyone was super burnt and just ended up kicking a soccer ball around in a parking lot for like 2 hours. Besides that, just skating sick spots and seeing some gnarly shit go down as well. The whole trip was tight!

Worst memory from this trip?
We drove through some pretty insane weather heading from LA to Denver. Super windy, flash flood style rain, and lightning everywhere. We all got super scared and put on our seat belts and we're just dead quiet in the back. I thought for sure we were gonna be toast but we made it through!
Any thank yous?
Thanks to Nate, Thunder, everyone at DLX, all the bros on the trip for making it fun! Also to my parents and all my sponsors for the continued support!
Follow @tysonbowerbank & @jackolson1 to win Thunder Trucks.
All Photos by Gabe Morford : @morfordmedia