Walker Ryan for Thunder Trucks
Skating in the Bay Area:A struggle, but simply the best
Next Project: New TWS video
Craziest place Skateboarding has taken you: Bangladesh
Best thing about growing up in Wine Country: Passionate people
Next After Skating: Back to the wine?
Living next to the Thunder factory: Skating home with the best stuff in my backpack
Trucks Loose or tight: Medium
Inspiration: Compassionate people
Being a full time Student: Time management
Bringing Your Family to a Rap show at your Pro release: Second hand high
Shuffl 2.0: Coming Soon…maybe.
Ideal daily schedule: 36 hours in one day
Continuous Travel: Current situation
First skate video: FTC penal code 101
Current skate video on repeat: Mark Suciu’s part
Which is harder Finishing College or Filming a Video part: The video part on my college campus
Owe everything to ____: My family